How Instagram and Facebook Make You Feel Lonely and Depressed?

Most people, especially teenagers are active social media participants. All throughout the day, they are logged in and thus, use social media to the fullest! Even though it gives them plenty to be glad about, these digital world aspects are known to affect people in several ways. A lot of young children complain to psychologists about how tired, unhappy, sad and how their mental health is failing with each passing day.  

All these raise a question about the viability of these different social media websites. The young minds are easy to get diverted and the same is happening, as we see most teenage children being disillusioned about their relationships, jobs, education and other aspects of their life. The different social media apps such as Instagram, Facebook and others are increasingly affecting the mental health of people, all the while enhancing their appeal on an almost everyday basis.

Although a lot of awareness has been created regarding the negative impact of films, television, and print media, there are comparatively fewer studies on the harmful impacts of social media. But times are changing and so today, a lot of emphases is given on this topic. People should understand the world they are dealing with deeply. This blog is an attempt towards the same. 

The adverse impact of Facebook and Instagram 

These two are arguably the most popular sites and people flock in numbers to soak in the joys offered by them. There are lots of reasons why they are related to loneliness and depression. You will find the blogging site, Life Unfiltered with Alexa Curtis extremely helpful in this respect.  

Comparison with others

People spend a considerable time going through carefully curated images of their friends enjoying their lives in the utmost fashionable and fine way. This makes them feel low about their own life as comparisons are drawn. They start feeling envious and think others are happier than them, thus affecting their own happiness level. 

An Alexa Curtis teen blog can help people to develop their lives into something good and meaningful. 

Body shaming

There are numerous editing apps that allow you to create that 'perfect' image of yourself, hiding everybody and skin flaws, and making you appear gorgeous than others. While others may feel jealous and self-doubts may appear, there is another side to this story. There is a constant need to garner likes and be appreciated by people on social media.  

Such meaningless activities lead to depression. Alexa Curtis the social media influencer urges people to be aware of body shaming and be happy and confident of their own real self. 


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