
Showing posts from February, 2019

4 Reasons Why You Should be Spontaneous in Your Life

Do you have your life all figured out? Do you live your life as per a fixed schedule? A lot of us keep it all planned and think that life will otherwise get messier and become tough to manage. They are right but sometimes being spontaneous won't harm anyhow! Life is not always about working as per plans but being spontaneous can often give us some incredibly joyous moments. The truth is that life can get boring when we just stick to our schedule. A mundane life neither gives sheer joy nor does it support creative and emotional growth. So, sometimes taking spontaneous yet thought out decisions can make our lives surprisingly refreshing. You can check out the works of Alexa Curtis the blogger , who inspires others to live their lives fearlessly. Being fearless has different definitions. Sometimes it means following your instinct without pondering too much about it. We will discuss this topic further below. 4 reasons why being spontaneous can be a great thing You will sta

3 Very Popular YouTube Channels That You Should Follow

Today, YouTube is a great platform available to avid internet users. It not only serves the purpose of entertainment but also helps out those who are seeking ideas related to different subjects. If you are thinking about making the best use of this platform to your heart's desire, then follow the works of channels which have the most number of subscribers. Channels such as these, are loved by loads of people and are very entertaining. You can find variety in them as they deal with a plethora of topics ranging from gaming to cool daily life tricks. Entertainment is served in the best possible way! So, which are the channels that you can follow? It is discussed in this blog. One of them being the videos of Molly Burke. She is a popular YouTuber and most importantly, she is an inspiration to many others. Recently, Alexa Curtis the Blogger has covered her life story in her blog. Know about her and similar others here. 3 popular YouTube channels that you will totally love

“Think Out Of the Box” and Create Success – But How?

In my childhood, I was always asked to “think out of the box”. Truly speaking, at that time I was not at all fan of this phrase until I took an initiative for setting up my own venture. Taking the initiative, what I learned was – to establish a successful venture you need three things: encouragement, initiative, and “think out of the box”. In this article, I have mainly focused on the third part, as I feel it is the key part of every success. Before exploding the question how a person can think out of the box, let me first describe you the exact meaning of this phrase. “Think out of the box” - the phrase typically defines to think beyond the bounds of your imagination. That is more creatively and beyond the tried and true. If I ask you to “think out of the box”, it means I am asking you to think something original, something unique, something different from others that will make you distinct from the crowd. Now the question is how to create success by thinking outside t

Know The Right Ways to Talk About Your Struggles to Your Parents

Children have a lot of things going on in their head. They may range from a scene of their favorite tv show to the struggles that they are dealing with. Yes, they too go with their own range of problems! Adults may not understand them, but they too have a life of their own and in every life, there is the presence of some problem or the other. Surely parents must be a lot more open-minded when it comes to their children's problems and struggles. They should not take them for granted. However, kids should learn some useful tips too. What these tips will do? Well, if you are one of them and is seeking for the right ways to have such a discussion, then these tips will come more than handy! Are you interested in reading blogs? If it's a yes, then you can check out the latest work of Alexa Curtis the blogger where she has touched this topic in her usual work. Other than this, the ways mentioned below will help you out too. So, have a look at them and be ready to talk your he